Talks about the current state of ecommerce and the latest trends
The current state of ecommerce and the latest trends
Lately, we were lucky enough to have two great conversations on the subject.
László Szabó, Growww Digital’s managing partner, spoke in detail about the current situation of ecommerce on the well-known Slovakian and Czech platform, Ecommerce Bridge, as well as on the Hungarian Vedd Fel a Versenyt (Keep Up With The Competition) podcast channel.
Let us share these videos with our Czech/Slovakian and Hungarian speaking audiences.
Please find the recordings below:
Ecommerce Bridge podcast
(available in Slovakian)
When the only way to grow your e-shop is to expand – how to do it?
• How does the expansion work in terms of marketing and communication?
• How should a company choose the right new market?
• Is it possible to try it in a “dirty” way? Translate your online store into English and launch it all over Europe?
• Are web translations through automatic translators acceptable to the customer?
• Do you think that Allegro regrets the chosen strategy when expanding to the Czech market?
• What are László’s personal recommendations, what to look for during expansion?
• How to correctly simulate the conversion rate during expansion?
• Are there any marketing solutions on the market other than classic Google or Facebook Ads?
Vedd Fel a Versenyt podcast
(available in Hungarian)
Why are Czech e-tailers more successful than Hungarian players?
• The Seznam search engine and the strong Czech digital ecosystem
• A missed opportunity for iWiW, its downfall and the learnings from it
• Lack of ecommerce professionals and a lack of ecommerce knowledge – a problem when planning foreign expansion
• Hungary is too small – let’s think in terms of regional markets and plan wisely
• The Allegro story – how it approached the Czech market and what kind of mistakes it made
• Training of ecommerce specialists – the challenege of staying up to date in terms of education
• Questions and answers
Want to expand in the region? Download Your Free Ultimate CEE Ecommerce Export Guide!
75 pages packed with all you need to know as an ecommerce business before you expand to Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia.